Call for Demos

The Organizing Committee for the 2024 Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2024) invites the submission of proposals for demonstrations. CoRL seeks demos that show impressive progress along any of the following directions:

- demonstrating a level of autonomy beyond previous systems

- demonstrating novel (recently published) robot learning methods

- demonstrating enablers for the robot learning community, e.g. systems for data collection, teleoperation, novel hardware and infrastructure that robot learning labs can benefit from.

Demos Date: The demonstrations will take place during the conference from November 6 to 9. Each demonstration proposal requires at least 1 physical robot to be exhibited (live) during the conference and does not need a paper to be accepted at the conference.

Submission Information: The demo proposals (2-page limit) should be submitted via OpenReview. The authors are expected to address the points in the demo template, and also upload a video showing their demo and the hardware they will bring to the conference venue (i.e. to Munich, Germany).

Review of the demo proposals will start on August 2nd, 2024. Please submit by that date to receive early feedback regarding your submission. After that, the proposals will be considered on a rolling basis until August 16th (AoE).

Please note that you are responsible for transporting the hardware and preparing all the required documentation (e.g., customs forms and insurance, if needed). CoRL 2024 Organizing Committee is not liable for any damages that may occur during transport or during demonstrations, and does not offer any insurance or shipping arrangements.

For any inquiries, please contact the demonstration chair, Rika Antonova at [firstname].[lastname] with “CoRL24 Demonstrations” in the subject line.

This year, there will be a second (limited) round of demo submissions for showcasing algorithms and software infrastructure on commonly used hardware. These demos will be limited to using either a single stationary Franka or a Kinova arm set up by the conference. To avoid confusion with the main call for demos, we will open the call for such ‘limited’ demos after the main call is done. If you can bring your own Franka/Kinova arm, please submit the demo proposal to the main call before the August deadlines, since your demo proposal is much more likely to succeed if you commit to bringing your own hardware.

Note: CoRL demos are for demonstrating and enabling research progress. While both academic and industrial labs can participate, the focus is on open hardware, systems, methods, and research, not products. Companies interested in showcasing their commercial products should contact the CoRL Sponsorship Chairs (instead of submitting a demo proposal).

Important Dates