Instructions for Presentations
CoRL 2024 requires at least one of the authors to register and present. CoRL 2024 will NOT accommodate remote presentations. All oral presentations will be in-person. For posters, if you cannot present in person, please let us know ASAP by emailing
Please read the following instructions carefully. Feel free to email if you have any questions.
Papers accepted as orals will be presented in both the oral sessions and the poster sessions:
10-minute oral talk, with 8 minutes for the talk and 2 minutes for live Q&A. You will use your own laptop to present. If you have any special requests, please let us know in advance.
90-minute poster session: All the oral papers will also be presented at a poster session after the talk.
1-min Spotlight presentation: An author of the poster will give a 1-min Spotlight presentation in the Poster Spotlight session. The goal of the spotlight talk is to attract the audience to come to your poster in the poster session, instead of diving into technical details. To facilitate rapid back-to-back presentations, authors will provide a 60-second 1080p video (mp4 format).
The first 5 seconds of the video should be a still frame of the title, authors and affiliations using this template.
Spotlight presentations should be given in person, with the 1 minute video running. However, in case the presenter cannot make it, all the videos should include audio presentation as well. We will mute the audio and the presenter will talk over the video during the live presentation.
Spotlight presentations (1-minute mp4 files, max 100 MB) are due at 23:59 anywhere-on-Earth time on Oct 18. Authors of accepted poster presentations MUST submit their spotlight presentations via OpenReview using the "Video" upload button (just below the camera ready upload button). Authors of oral submissions need not submit this spotlight video.
90-minute poster session: All of the poster papers will be presented at a poster session after the spotlight talk.
For printing posters, the following options are available:
1. have to send an email to and it takes up to 2-3 days for them to print it.
After printing the poster they can send it within TUM (+2€) or within whole Germany (+10€). The delivery takes between 2 days (within TUM) and some more (within Germany).The file you send must be PDF and the must be saved in the format of the original poster, they do not scale the documents.
2. have an office in Garching-Hochbrück and can be contacted here:
The prices can be found on the webpage. They also offer express delivery.